1. e. g.

2. E.123

3. E1 carrier, E-1

4. E2 carrier, E-2

5. E2E (Exchange-To-Exchange)

6. E3 carrier, E-3

7. E4 carrier, E-4

8. E5 carrier, E-5

9. EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)

10. EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

11. Easter Egg

12. EAX (Environmental Audio Extensions)

13. EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)

14. EBPP (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment)

15. e-business

16. ebXML (electronic business XML)

17. EC

18. eCash

19. e-cash

20. ECC (1) (Error-Correcting Code; Error Checking and Correcting)

21. ECC (2) (Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem)

22. ECC memory (Error-Correcting Code memory)

23. eCharge

24. eCheck


26. ECL (Emitter Coupled Logic)

27. ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers’ Association)

28. ECMAScript

29. ECML (Electronic Commerce Modeling Language)

30. e-coins

31. e-commerce

32. e-commerce czar

33. economic profit

34. ECR (Electronic Cash Register)

35. e-crime

36. ECTF (Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum)

37. EDA (Electronic Document Authorization)

38. EDC (Electronic Data Capture)

39. EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval System)

40. EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution)

41. edge connector

42. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)

43. Edibanx (EDI Bank Alliance Network)


45. e-distribution

46. editor (1)

47. editor (2)

48. EDL (Edit Decision List)

49. EDO DRAM (Extended Data Out Dynamic RAM)

50. EDR (Effective Data Rate)

51. e-envelope

52. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)

53. Efficient Consumer Response

54. EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface)

55. EFR (Enhanced FullRate)

56. EFRA (Electronic Forms Routing and Approval)

57. EFS (Encrypting File System)

58. EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

59. EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale)

60. EG (Evil grin)

61. EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter)

62. EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)

63. EGPRS (Enhanced GPRS)

64. EHF (Extremely High Frequencies)

65. EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance)

66. EICTA (European Information, Communications and Consumer Electronics Technology Industry Association)

67. EIDE (Enhanced IDE)

68. Eiffel

69. EIR (Equipment Identity Register)

70. EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power)

71. EIRP (Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power)

72. EIS (Executive Information System)

73. EIS (Enterprise Information Services)

74. EISA (Extended Industry-Standard Architecture)

75. EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)

76. EL display (ElectroLuminescent display)

77. e-lancer

78. e-learning

79. electronic bill delivery

80. electronic cash

81. Electronic Check system

82. electronic coins

83. electronic commerce

84. electronic crime

85. electronic envelope

86. electronic form

87. electronic mail

88. electronic mailbox (1)

89. electronic mailbox (2)

90. electronic mall

91. electronic marketplace

92. electronic money

93. electronic payment system

94. electronic presentation

95. electronic publishing (1)

96. electronic publishing (2)

97. electronic rights

98. electronic signature

99. Electronic Signature Capture Terminals

100. electronic storefront (1)

101. electronic storefront (2)

102. electronic tax filing

103. electronic ticketing

104. electronic wallet

105. element (1)

106. element (2)

107. element type declaration

108. elevator

109. ELF (Extremely Low Frequency)

110. e-library

111. EM64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology)

112. e-mail

113. e-mail account

114. e-mail address

115. e-mail alias

116. e-mail attachment

117. e-mail client

118. e-mail gateway

119. e-mail marketing

120. e-mail message

121. e-mail system

122. e-mall

123. e-marketplace

124. embed

125. embedded application

126. embedded operating system

127. embedded system

128. EMC (Export Management Company)

129. EMFBI (Excuse me for butting in)

130. EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference)

131. EMIF (ESCON Multiple Image Facility)

132. EMM (Expanded Memory Manager)

133. e-money

134. emotag (emotion tag)

135. EMS (Electronic Message Service)

136. EMS (Electronics Manufacturing Service)

137. EMS (Enhanced Message Service)

138. EMS (Enterprise Messaging Server)

139. EMS (Expanded Memory Specification)

140. emulation

141. emulator

142. EMV (Europay, MasterCard, Visa)

143. encapsulation (1)

144. encapsulation (2)

145. Encina

146. encipherment

147. encode

148. encoder

149. encoding (1)

150. encoding (2)

151. encoding system

152. encryption

153. encryption algorithm

154. encryption engine

155. encryption key

156. end station

157. end system

158. end user

159. endianness

160. endpoint node

161. end-to-end encipherment

162. engine (1)

163. engine (2)

164. enhanced keyboard

165. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)

166. enterprise content management

167. entity

168. entity declaration

169. entry (1)

170. entry (2)

171. environment

172. environment variable

173. EO disk (Erasable Optical disk)

174. EOM (End of message)

175. EOT (End Of Thread)

176. EOT (End Of Transmission) character

177. EPH (Electronic Payment Handling)

178. EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing)

179. EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)

180. EPOC

181. e-procurement

182. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory)

183. EPROM programmer

184. EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

185. EPSI (Encapsulated PostScript Interchange)

186. epsilon

187. Erlang

188. ERMES (European Radio Message System)

189. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

190. error (1)

191. error (2)

192. error (3)

193. error (4)

194. error checking

195. error handling

196. error message

197. eSATA (external SATA)

198. eSATA/USB combo port

199. ESC (escape)

200. Escape

201. escape sequence

202. ESCON (Enterprise Systems CONnection)

203. ESD (1) (Electronic Software Distribution)

204. ESD (2) (ElectroStatic Discharge)

205. ESDI (Enhanced Small Device Interface)

206. e-services

207. e-shop

208. e-signature

209. ESMTP (Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

210. ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload)

211. E-speak

212. ESPRIT (European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology)

213. ESS (Extended Service Set.)

214. ETACS (Extended Total Access Communications System )

215. e-tailing

216. ETG (Enterprise Transaction Gateway)

217. Ethernet

218. Ethernet address

219. Ethernet port

220. Ethernet v2 framing

221. ETLA (Extended three-letter acronym)

222. e-Trading

223. e-Travel

224. ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)

225. Eudora

226. euro

227. Eurocard

228. EuroDOCSIS

229. EV (Exposure Value)

230. EV compensation (Exposure compensation)

231. EVC (Vesa Enhanced Video Connector)

232. event

233. event handler

234. event log

235. event-driven

236. e-wallet

237. exception

238. exception handler

239. exception handling

240. Excite

241. exclusive lock

242. EXEC2

243. executable program, executable code

244. executable space protection

245. execute

246. EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format)

247. expanded memory

248. expanded memory page frame

249. expansion board

250. expansion bus

251. expansion slot

252. expert system

253. exploit

254. export

255. export law

256. export license

257. exposed object

258. exposure

259. exposure bracketing

260. exposure meter

261. ext2 (second extended file system)

262. ext3 (third extended file system)

263. ext4 (fourth extended filesystem)

264. extended ASCII

265. extended memory

266. extended memory manager

267. extension (1)

268. extension (2)

269. extension (3)

270. extent

271. external bus

272. external storage

273. extortionware

274. extract

275. extranet


277. e-zine (Electronic Magazine)

278. ezPDF