1. F connector

2. F/UTP (Foiled Unshielded Twisted Pair)

3. F2F (Face to face)

4. Facebook

5. fact table

6. factoring

7. failover

8. failure

9. Fanwood

10. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


12. Fast Ethernet

13. Fast Track Security

14. FastTrack Stack

15. FAT (File Allocation Table)

16. fat client

17. FAT16

18. FAT32

19. fatal error

20. fault tolerance

21. favelet

22. favicon

23. favlet

24. fax modem

25. fax server


27. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)

28. FCP (Fibre Channel Protocol)

29. FCS (Frame Check Sequence)

30. FDB (Fluid Dynamic Bearings)

31. FD-CDMA (Frequency Division - Code Division Multiple Access)

32. FDD (1) (Floppy Disk Drive)

33. FDD (2) (Frequency Division Duplexing)

34. FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface)

35. FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing)

36. FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access)

37. feasible data race

38. feature (1)

39. feature (2)

40. FEC (Forward Error Correction)

41. FED (Field Emission Display)

42. Fedora Core

43. feed horn

44. feeder line

45. fence agent

46. FET (Field Effect Transistor)

47. FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)

48. FH-CDMA (Frequency Hopping CDMA)

49. FHSS (Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum)

50. fiber optics

51. fiber-optic cable

52. Fibre Channel

53. FICON (FIber CONnector)

54. FidoNet

55. field

56. field service

57. FIFO (First In, First Out)

58. file (1)

59. file (2)

60. file compression

61. file format

62. file handle

63. file manager (1)

64. file manager (2)

65. file mode

66. file name extension

67. file name, filename

68. file server

69. file sharing

70. file sharing protocol

71. file system (1)

72. file system (2)

73. file transfer

74. file type

75. financial planning language

76. financial planning system

77. finger

78. finite automaton

79. finite state automaton

80. FireDaemon

81. Firesheep

82. firewall

83. FireWire

84. firmware

85. FISH (First in, still here)

86. fix

87. FIX (Financial Information eXchange Protocol)

88. fixed access

89. fixed-pitch font

90. FLA (Four-letter acronym)

91. FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)

92. flag

93. flaming

94. flash

95. flash disk

96. flash memory

97. FlashPIX

98. FLASK (FLux Advanced Security Kernel)

99. flat-file database

100. flatpack

101. FLEX

102. Flex ATX motherboard

103. FlexConnect

104. floating point instruction

105. floating point numbers

106. floppy disk

107. FLOPS (FLoating point OPerations per Second)

108. flow control

109. flowchart, flow chart

110. flush (1)

111. flush (2)

112. FM (Frequency Modulation)

113. FM synthesis

114. FMD (Function Management Data)

115. FMS (File Management System)

116. FMTYEWTK (Far more than you ever wanted to know)

117. F-number

118. FOAD (F*** off and die)


120. focal length

121. FOCIS (Fiber-Optic Cable Intermatability Standard)

122. folder

123. follow-up (1)

124. FOMA (Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access)

125. FOMCL (Falling off my chair laughing)

126. font

127. footer

128. footprint

129. FOP (Formatting Objects Processor)

130. forests and trees

131. fork (1)

132. fork (2)

133. fork (3)

134. fork (4)

135. fork (5)

136. form factor (1)

137. form factor (2)

138. format (1)

139. format (2)

140. format (3)

141. formatted text

142. formatter

143. formatting engine

144. Fortezza

145. FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator)

146. forum

147. forward compatibility

148. FPA (Floating-Point Accelerator)

149. FPD (Flat-Panel Display)

150. FPDF (Free PDF)

151. FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)

152. FPM (Fast Page Mode) memory

153. FPN (Fixed Pattern Noise)

154. FPS (Frames Per Second)

155. FPU (Floating-Point Unit)

156. FPX

157. FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)

158. FR (FullRate)

159. FRA (Fixed Radio Access)

160. fractional T1

161. fragmentation (1)

162. fragmentation (2)

163. fragmentation (3)

164. frame (1)

165. frame (2)

166. frame (3)

167. frame (4)

168. frame buffer

169. frame frequency

170. frame grabber

171. frame rate

172. Frame Relay

173. FrameMaker

174. framework (1)

175. framework (2)

176. Framework 4

177. free software

178. FreeBSD

179. FreeDOS


181. freeware

182. freeze

183. frequency band

184. frequency channel

185. frequency division

186. frequency hopping

187. frequency range

188. front end

189. front end processor

190. front office

191. front office application

192. front-end

193. FSB (FrontSide Bus)

194. FSF (Free Software Foundation)

195. FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)

196. FSM (Finite State Machine)

197. FSML (Financial Services Markup Language)

198. FSS (Fixed Satellite Service)

199. FSTC (Financial Services Technology Consortium)

200. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

201. FTP server

202. FTTH (Fiber To The Home)

203. FTTP (Fiber To The Premises)

204. FUBAR (F***ed up beyond all repair or recognition)

205. FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)

206. full duplex, full-duplex

207. full-motion video

208. function

209. function key

210. function library

211. functional language

212. functional programming

213. functional unit

214. fuzzy checksum

215. FWIW (For what it’s worth)

216. FX 32

217. FYA (For Your Amusement)

218. FYI (For your information)