1. I frames (Intra coded frames)

2. i.LINK

3. I/O (Input/Output)

4. I/O address (1)

5. I/O address (2)

6. I/O bus

7. I/O device

8. I/O engine (1)

9. I/O engine (2)

10. I/O interrupts

11. I/O port (1) (Input/Output port)

12. I/O port (2) (Input/Output port)

13. i2010

14. I2C (Inter-IC) bus

15. I2L (Integrated Injection Logic)

16. i386

17. I3A (International Imaging Industry Association )

18. IA-32 (Intel Architecture-32)

19. IA-64 (Intel Architecture-64)

20. IAC (In any case)

21. IAD (Integrated Access Device)

22. IAE (In Any Event)

23. IANA (The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)

24. IANAL (I am not a lawyer (but))

25. IBEX (International Business Exchange)

26. IBM 3270

27. IBM compatible

28. IBM Microdrive

29. IBM PC



32. IBM POWER (Performance Optimization Width Enhanced RISC)

33. IBOC (In-Band On-Channel)

34. IBSS (Independent Basic Service Set)

35. IC (I See)

36. IC (integrated circuit)

37. ICA (Independent Computing Architecture)

38. iCab

39. ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)

40. ICC (IC Card)

41. ICCID (ICC IDentification)

42. ICE (Ice)

43. ICE (In-Circuit Emulator)

44. ICE (Information and Content Exchange)

45. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

46. icon

47. ICP (Internet Content Provider)

48. ICQ (I Seek You)

49. ICS (Internet Commerce Services)

50. ICT (Information and Communications Technology)

51. ID code

52. IDE (1) (Integrated Development Environment)

53. IDE (2) (Integrated Drive Electronics)

54. IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm)

55. iDEN

56. identification

57. identification card

58. identifier

59. identity theft

60. identity-based security policy

61. Identrus

62. IDF (Intermediate Distribution Frame)

63. IDKY (I Don’t Know You)

64. IDL (1) (Interface Definition Language)

65. IDL (2) (Interactive Data Language)

66. IDL (3) (Interactive Distance Learning)

67. IDL (Interface Definition Language)

68. IDLE (Integrated Development Environment)

69. IDM (Intelligent Device Management)

70. IDPS (Intrusion Detection and Prevention System)

71. IDS (Intrusion Detection System)


73. IDST (I Didn’t Say That)

74. IDTS (I Don’t Think So)

75. IE (Microsoft Internet Explorer)

76. IEAK (Internet Explorer Administration Kit)

77. IEC 61131-3

78. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc)

79. IEEE 1284

80. IEEE 1394

81. IEEE 488

82. IEEE 802 Standards

83. IEEE 802.10

84. IEEE 802.11

85. IEEE 802.11a

86. IEEE 802.11ac

87. IEEE 802.11b

88. IEEE 802.11e

89. IEEE 802.11g

90. IEEE 802.11h

91. IEEE 802.11i

92. IEEE 802.11n

93. IEEE 802.15

94. IEEE 802.16

95. IEEE 802.1D

96. IEEE 802.1p

97. IEEE 802.1q

98. IEEE 802.1w

99. IEEE 802.1X

100. IEEE 802.2

101. IEEE 802.3

102. IEEE 802.3ab

103. IEEE 802.3z

104. IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)

105. IF (Intermediate Frequency)

106. IFS (Installable File System)

107. IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)

108. IGFET (Isolated Gate Field-Effect Transistor)

109. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)

110. IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)

111. IHA (I hate acronyms)

112. IHA (Intel Hub Architecture)

113. IHNI (I Have No Idea)

114. IIRC (If I recall/remember/recollect correctly)

115. IIS (Internet Information Services)

116. IITYWIMWYBMAD (If I Tell You What It Means, Will You Buy Me A Drink?)

117. IKE (Internet Key Exchange)

118. IKMP (Internet Key Management Protocol)

119. iKP (Internet Keyed Payment Protocols)

120. i-Link

121. illuminance

122. ILU or ILY (I love you)

123. IM (Information Management)

124. IM (Instant Messaging)

125. iMac

126. image (1)

127. image (2)

128. image editing

129. image editing program

130. image editor

131. image enhancement

132. image file (1)

133. image file (2)

134. image filter

135. image map

136. image processing (1)

137. image processing (2)

138. image scaler

139. imaging (1)

140. imaging (2)

141. IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion)

142. IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)

143. IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

144. IMG-CDMA MultiCarrier 1X

145. IMing

146. Immediate Response EDI

147. IMNSHO (In my not so humble opinion)

148. IMO (In my opinion)

149. iMode

150. i-Mode

151. implementation

152. implementation requirement

153. import

154. imposition

155. IMS (Information Management System)

156. IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)

157. IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity)

158. IMT-2000 (International Mobile Telephone Standard 2000)

159. IN (Intelligent Network)

160. in-band signaling

161. inbox

162. incident light meter

163. indentation

164. Indeo

165. index (1)

166. index (2)

167. index file

168. InfiniBand

169. infoMarket

170. Infomaster

171. infomaster

172. infomercial

173. information mart

174. information origination/termination equipment

175. information processing cycle

176. information retrieval

177. information superhighway

178. information system


180. infosec (Information Security)

181. Infoseek

182. inheritance (1)

183. inheritance (2)

184. initialize

185. initiate

186. inkjet printer

187. inline image

188. inline keying

189. Inmarsat (International Maritime Satellite System )

190. INN (InterNet News)

191. InnoDB

192. inode

193. input device

194. insert (1)

195. insert (2)

196. install (1)

197. install (2)

198. installer

199. instance

200. instruction

201. instruction prefetch

202. instruction register

203. instruction set

204. instruction stream

205. integrated POS terminal

206. integrity

207. Intel

208. Intel 4004

209. Intel 4040

210. Intel 8008

211. Intel 80286, Intel 286

212. Intel 80386, Intel 386

213. Intel 80486, Intel 486

214. Intel 8080

215. Intel 8086

216. Intel 8088

217. Intel 80x86

218. Intel Celeron

219. Intel Celeron D

220. Intel Core

221. Intel Core 2

222. Intel Core microarchitecture

223. Intel Itanium

224. Intel Merced

225. Intel P6

226. Intel Pentium

227. Intel Pentium 4

228. Intel Pentium D

229. Intel Pentium II

230. Intel Pentium II Xeon

231. Intel Pentium III (Katmai)

232. Intel Pentium M

233. Intel Pentium MMX

234. Intel Pentium Pro

235. Intel XScale

236. Intellifont

237. intelligent hub

238. interaction

239. interactive

240. interactive multimedia

241. interactive TV

242. Intercast

243. intercept (1)

244. intercept (2)

245. interchange

246. interconnection

247. interface (1)

248. interface (2)

249. inter-frame compression

250. interlaced display

251. interleaving

252. intermediate (programming) language

253. intermercial

254. internationalization (I18N)

255. Internet

256. Internet account

257. Internet appliance

258. Internet cafe

259. Internet commerce

260. Internet Hotel

261. Internet protocol suite

262. Internet protocols

263. Internet radio

264. internet suite

265. Internet tablet

266. Internet Tax Freedom Act of 1998

267. internet telephony

268. Internet traffic

269. Internet TV

270. Internet2

271. internetworking

272. InterNIC (Internet Network Information Center)

273. InterNotes

274. interoperability

275. interpret

276. interpreter

277. interrupt

278. interrupt handler

279. interrupt handling

280. interrupt number

281. interrupt request

282. interrupt-driven

283. interstitial

284. interworking

285. interworking gatekeeper

286. intra-frame compression

287. intranet

288. intruder

289. intrusion

290. invoke

291. IOTP (Internet Open Trading Protocol)

292. IOW (In other words)

293. IP (Internet Protocol)

294. IP address

295. IP Code

296. IP network

297. IP packet

298. IP PBX

299. IP phone

300. IP Precedence

301. IP service

302. IP spoofing

303. IP telephony

304. iPAY

305. IPC (Inter-Process Communication)

306. IPC socket (Inter-Process Communication socket)

307. IPI (Intelligent Peripheral Interface)

308. IPL (Initial Program Loader)

309. iPod

310. I-POS

311. IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)

312. IPS (Internet Payment Switch)

313. IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)

314. IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)

315. IPTV (Internet Protocol TeleVision)

316. IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4)

317. IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)

318. IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange)

319. IR (infrared)

320. IR port (infrared port)

321. IR radiation (infrared radiation)

322. IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

323. IRC client

324. IRC server

325. IrDA (Infrared Data Association)

326. IRED (infrared-emitting diode)

327. Iridium

328. IRIX

329. IRL (In real life (that is, when not chatting))

330. Irma board

331. Irma board

332. iron box

333. IRQ (Interrupt ReQuest)

334. IRQ line (interrupt request line)

335. IRS (Internal Revenue Service)

336. IS136

337. IS-2000

338. IS95A

339. ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)

340. ISAKMP (Internet Security Association & Key Management Protocol)

341. ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method)

342. ISAPI (Internet Server API)

343. ISC (Internet Software Consortium)

344. iSCSI (Internet SCSI)

345. ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting )

346. ISDB-C (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting - Cable)

347. ISDB-S (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting - Satellite)

348. ISDB-T ((Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting - Terrestrial)

349. ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)

350. ISM Band (Industry, Scientific and Medical Band)

351. ISO (1) (International Organization for Standardization)

352. ISO (2) (Independent Service Organization)

353. ISO Latin-1

354. ISO sensitivity

355. isochronous

356. ISP (Internet Service Provider)

357. ISPO (Information Society Project Office)

358. issuing bank

359. ISV (Independent Software Vendor)

360. IT (Information Technology)

361. italic

362. Itanium 2

363. ITB (Internet Transaction Broker)

364. iterative development

365. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)

366. ITS (Incompatible Time-sharing System)

367. ITU (International Telecommunications Union)

368. ITU-T (ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector)

369. ITV (Interactive TeleVision)

370. IVL (Individual Validated License)

371. IVR ( Interactive Voice Response)

372. Iyonix PC

373. IYSS (If You Say So)

374. IYSWIM (If you see what I mean)