1. K band

2. K&R C (Kernighan and Ritchie C)

3. Ka band

4. Ku band

5. K56Flex

6. K7

7. KB (Kilobyte)

8. Kbps (Kilobits per second)

9. KDE (K Desktop Environment)

10. Kerberos

11. Kermit

12. kernel

13. kernel panic

14. kerning

15. key (1)

16. key (2)

17. key (3)

18. key (4)

19. key (5)

20. key field

21. key length

22. key library

23. key management

24. key recovery

25. key server (1)

26. key server (2)

27. key space

28. keyboard

29. keyboard controller

30. keyboard shortcut

31. keying (1)

32. keying (2)

33. keying (3)

34. keylogger

35. keystroke

36. keyword (1)

37. keyword (2)

38. keyword (3)


40. KiB (kibibyte)

41. KisMAC

42. Kismet

43. KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)

44. KISS principle

45. KMD (KaZaA Media Desktop)

46. Knoppix Linux

47. Konqueror

48. Korn shell

49. KOTC (Kiss on the cheek)

50. KVM (Kilobyte Virtual Machine)

51. KWIM? (Know what I mean?)