1. L band

2. L1 (level 1) cache

3. L2 (level 2) cache

4. L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)

5. L3 (level 3) cache

6. L8R (Later)

7. LabelFlash

8. Lambert’s Law


10. LAN (Local Area Network)

11. LAN adapter

12. LAN port

13. LAN switch

14. language-based editor

15. language-sensitive editor

16. LAP (Link Access Procedure)

17. LAPM (Link Access Procedure for Modems)

18. laptop computer

19. laser disk

20. laser printer (1)

21. laser printer (2)

22. last mile

23. LAT (Local Area Transport)

24. latency (1)

25. latency (2)

26. latency (3)

27. LAWN (Local Area Wireless Network)

28. layer

29. layout (1)

30. layout (2)

31. layout (3)

32. layout engine

33. lazy mode

34. LBA (Logic Block Addressing)

35. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

36. LCD projector

37. LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon)

38. LD (LaserDisc)

39. LD (Later, dude)

40. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

41. LDPC (Low Density Parity Check Code)

42. LDR (Long-distance relationship)

43. leased line

44. LEC (Local Exchange Carrier)

45. Leclanché cell

46. LED (Light Emitting Diode)

47. legacy application

48. legacy data

49. legacy system

50. LF (Low Frequencies)

51. Libranet

52. library (1)

53. library (2)

54. library (3)

55. library routine

56. light intensity

57. light pen

58. lightness

59. LightScribe

60. Li-ion (Lithium ion) battery

61. LILO

62. LindowsOS

63. line

64. line card

65. line driver

66. line printer

67. line rate

68. line speed

69. line switching

70. line width, linewidth (1)

71. line width, linewidth (2)

72. linear prediction

73. link (1)

74. link (2)

75. link (3)

76. link (4)

77. link (5)

78. link (6)

79. link (7)

80. link state routing protocol

81. link-by-link encipherment

82. linker

83. linkware

84. Linspire

85. Linux

86. Liquid Player

87. LISP (LISt Processor)

88. list (1)

89. list (2)

90. list box

91. Listserv

92. Lites

93. lithium polymer battery

94. little endian

95. livestream

96. live-stream

97. LLC (Logical Link Control)

98. LLTA (Lots and lots of thunderous applause)

99. LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution Service)

100. LMK Let Me Know

101. L-Mode

102. LMTP (Local Mail Transfer Protocol)

103. LNB (Low-Noise Block downconverter)

104. load (1)

105. load (2)

106. load (3)

107. load (4)

108. load balancing

109. load module

110. loader

111. loading

112. LOB (Large OBject)

113. LOB (LIne-Of-Business) application

114. local

115. local bus

116. local loop

117. local variable

118. locale

119. Localhost

120. localhost

121. localization (L10N)

122. LocalTalk

123. location

124. location bar

125. lock

126. lockup

127. LOCT (Layered Open Crypto Toolkit)

128. log (1)

129. log (2)

130. log (3)

131. logic bomb

132. logic gate

133. logical clock

134. logical processor

135. logical shift

136. logical volume

137. login (log-in, logon)

138. LOL (Laughing out loud)

139. long (long integer)

140. long filenames

141. longhaul

142. Longhorn

143. LonWorks

144. loop (1)

145. loop (2)

146. LOS (Line Of Sight)

147. LOS propagation

148. lossless compression

149. lossy compression

150. Lotus

151. Lotus Notes

152. LotusScript

153. LoveLetter, LoveBug

154. low radiation

155. low-level access

156. low-level language

157. LPAR (Logical PARtition)

158. LPC (Linear Predictive Coding)

159. LPCM (Linear PCM)

160. LPD (Line Printer Daemon)

161. LPDA (Log Periodic Dipole Array)

162. LPT (Line Printing Terminal)

163. LPX motherboard

164. LRF (Little Rubber Feet)

165. LSB (Least Significant Bit)

166. LTE (Long Term Evolution)

167. LTM (Laugh to myself)

168. LTNS (Long time no see)

169. LTPS TFT LCD (Low-Temperature Poly-Silicon Thin-Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display)

170. LTR (Long-term relationship)

171. LUHN formula

172. LULAB (Love you like a brother)

173. LULAS (Love you like a sister)

174. luma

175. lumen

176. luminance (1)

177. luminance (2)

178. luminosity function

179. luminous emittance

180. luminous flux

181. luminous intensity

182. lurk

183. LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling)

184. LWP (Library for World Wide Web in Perl)

185. LWP (Light-Weight Process)

186. Lycos

187. Lynx (1)

188. Lynx (2)

189. LZH ( Lempel-Ziv-Haruyasu)

190. LZW (Lempel-Ziv Welch) algorithm