1. nagware

2. NAI (Network Access Identity)

3. NAK (Negative AcKnowledgment)

4. namespace

5. N-AMPS (Narrowband AMPS)


7. Nano ITX motherboard

8. nanotechnology

9. NAP (Network Access Point)

10. NAPM (National Association of Photographic Manufacturers)

11. NAPT (Network Address and Port Translation)

12. narrowband

13. narrowcast

14. NAS (Network Access Server)

15. NAS (Network-Attached Storage)

16. NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quatation)

17. NAT (Network Address Translation)

18. native file format

19. Nautilus

20. navigate

21. navigation (1)

22. navigation (2)

23. NCB (Network Control Block)

24. NCOS (Network Computer Operating System)

25. NCP (NetWare Core Protocol)

26. NCQ (Native Command Queuing)

27. NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)

28. NCSA Mosaic

29. NCSC (National Computer Security Center)

30. NDS (Novell Directory Services)

31. NE1000

32. NE2000

33. nearline

34. NEST (Novell Embedded Systems Technology)

35. Net

36. NET (Network Entity Title)

37. NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface)

38. NetBill

39. NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System)

40. NetBSD

41. NetBurst

42. netcasting

43. Netcheque

44. NetFront

45. netiquette

46. netizen (Internet citizen)

47. netlingo

48. NetMeeting

49. netnews

50. NetPC

51. Netscape (1)

52. Netscape (2)

53. Netscape Collabra

54. Netscape Communicator

55. Netscape Messenger

56. Netscape Navigator

57. Netscape Netcaster

58. Netscape Scripting Language

59. NetStumbler

60. Netwallet

61. network

62. network adapter

63. network address

64. network administrator

65. network analyzer

66. network appliance (1)

67. network appliance (2)

68. network application

69. network architecture (1)

70. network architecture (2)

71. network card

72. network computer

73. network control program

74. network database (1)

75. network database (2)

76. network database (3)

77. network device

78. network drive

79. network interface

80. network layer

81. network management

82. Network Name

83. network news

84. network operator (1)

85. network operator (2)

86. network point

87. network port

88. network printer

89. network protocol

90. network resource

91. network server

92. network service

93. network storage

94. network support

95. network topology

96. network traffic

97. network transparency

98. networked storage

99. networking

100. neutral build

101. newbie

102. news

103. NeWS (Network extesible Window Support)

104. news server

105. newsgroup

106. newsreader


108. nexus

109. NFC (Near Field Communication)

110. NFG (No f*****g good)

111. NFO

112. NFS (Network File System)

113. NFW (No feasible way or no f*****g way)

114. NGI (Next Generation Internet Initiative)

115. NGN (Next Generation Networking)

116. nibble

117. NIC (Network Information Center)

118. NIC (Network Interface Controller, Network Interface Card)

119. NIC card

120. NIC handle

121. NICAM (Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex)

122. NiCd (Nickel Cadmium) battery

123. nickpage

124. NIFOC (Naked in front of computer)

125. nightly build

126. NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) battery

127. NIS (Network Information Service)

128. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

129. NLSP (NetWare Link Services Protocol)

130. NLX motherboard

131. NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association)


133. NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone)

134. NMT-450 (Nordic Mobile Telephones/450)

135. NMT-900 (Nordic Mobile Telephones/900)

136. NMT-F

137. nn (NetNews)

138. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)

139. NOC (Network Operations Center)

140. node (1)

141. node (2)

142. node (3)

143. node (4)

144. node (5)

145. noise

146. noise level

147. noise power

148. non-descriptor

149. non-ECC memory

150. non-fixed access

151. non-interlaced display

152. non-preemptive multitasking

153. nonrepudiation

154. non-repudiation

155. nonswitched line

156. non-volatile memory

157. NOR

158. Northbridge

159. Northwood

160. NOS (Network Operating System)

161. NOT

162. notarization

163. notation declaration

164. notebook

165. Novell

166. Novell NetWare

167. NP or N/P (No problem)

168. NRN (No response necessary)

169. NS record (Name Server record)

170. NSA (National Security Agency)

171. NSAP (Network Service Access Point)

172. NSAPI (Netscape Server API)

173. NSFNet (National Science Foundation Network)

174. NSI (Network Solutions Inc.)

175. NSP (Network Service Provider)

176. NSS-DOS

177. NTFS (NT File System)

178. NTI (New to the Internet)

179. n-tier application

180. NTLDR (NT Loader)

181. NTP (Network Time Protocol)

182. NTSC (National Television Standards Committee)

183. NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone)

184. null modem

185. number

186. NVoD (Near Video on Demand)

187. nybble