1. P frames (Predictive coded frames)

2. P2 card

3. P2P (Peer-to-Peer) network (1)

4. P2P (Peer-to-Peer) network (2)

5. P2P (Person-to-Person)

6. P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences)

7. P4 connector

8. PABX (Private Automatic Branch eXchange)

9. pack (1)

10. pack (2)

11. pack (3)

12. packed decimal format

13. packet

14. packet analyzer

15. packet authentication

16. packet header

17. packet logger

18. packet overhead

19. packet sequencing

20. packet sniffer

21. packet switching

22. page (1)

23. page (2)

24. page (3)

25. page (4)

26. page fault

27. page mode memory

28. page view

29. pager

30. paging

31. PAL (Phase Alternation Line)

32. palette

33. Palladium

34. Palm OS

35. palmtop computer

36. Palomino

37. PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)

38. PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation)

39. pan

40. PAN (1) (Personal Area Network)

41. PAN (2) (Personal Area Network)

42. Panda ActiveScan

43. pane

44. PANS (Pretty awesome new stuff)

45. Pantone

46. PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)

47. PAP (Printer Access Protocol)

48. parabolic antenna

49. parallel

50. parallel bus

51. parallel computer

52. parallel interface

53. parallel port

54. parallel processing

55. parallel programming

56. parameter entity

57. parasiteware

58. parent

59. parent directory

60. PA-RISC (Precision Architecture-RISC)

61. parity (1)

62. parity checking

63. parse

64. parsed entity

65. parser

66. parser generator

67. partition

68. partition table

69. Pascal

70. passive attack

71. passive hub

72. passive matrix display

73. passive threat

74. password

75. paste

76. PATA (Parallel ATA)

77. patch

78. path

79. pathname

80. pattern

81. pattern recognition

82. pay TV

83. payload

84. payment gateway

85. payment order

86. payment service

87. payment switch

88. payment system

89. payment URL

90. PayPal

91. PBX (Private Branch Exchange)

92. PC (Personal Computer)

93. PC (Program Counter)

94. PC board

95. PC card

96. PC card slot

97. PC network (1)

98. PC network (2)

99. PC/TV

100. pc532

101. PCA

102. PCB (Printed Circuit Board)

103. PC-BSD

104. PC-DOS

105. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)

106. PCIe (PCI Express)

107. PCL (Printer Control Language)

108. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)

109. PCMCIA (1) (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)

110. PCMCIA (2) (People can’t master computer industry acronyms)

111. PCMCIA card

112. PCS (Personal Communication Services)

113. PCS (Personal Conferencing Specification)

114. PCT (Private Communications Technology)

115. PCX

116. PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)

117. PDA (Public Display of Affection)

118. PDC (Personal Digital Cellular)

119. PDF (Portable Document Format)

120. PDF (Probability Density Function)

121. PDG (Packet Data Gateway)

122. PDL (Page Description Language)

123. PDN (Packet Data Network)

124. PDN (Premises Distribution Network)

125. PDN (Public Data Network)

126. PDP (Packet Data Protocol)

127. PDP Context (Packet Data Protocol Context)

128. PDP-10 (Programmed Data Processor model 10)

129. PDP-11 (Programmed Data Processor model 11)

130. PDU (Protocol Data Unit)

131. PE (Permanent Establishment)

132. PEBCAK (Problem exists between chair and keyboard)

133. peer

134. peer-entity authentication

135. PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail)

136. performance (1)

137. performance (2)

138. perimeter network

139. peripheral bus

140. peripheral device

141. peripheral node

142. Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language)

143. Personal Finance Manager

144. personal identification card, ID card

145. personal station

146. personal terminal

147. pervasive computing

148. pervasive network

149. pervasive wireless access network

150. PET computer (Personal Electronic Transactor computer)

151. PFC (Power Factor Correction)

152. PFLH (Per Fee Link Handler)

153. PGA (Pin-Grid Array)

154. PGML (Precision Graphics Markup Language)

155. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)

156. phase change

157. PHIGS (Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Standard)

158. phishing

159. Phoenix

160. phone connector

161. photometric brightness

162. photometry

163. PHP

164. PHS (Personal - Handyphone System)

165. PHTML (Personal Hypertext Markup Language)

166. physical address

167. physical layer

168. physical memory

169. physical processor

170. PIBKAC (Problem is between keyboard and chair)

171. PIC (PICture)

172. PIC (Programmable Interrupt Controller)

173. picklist

174. PickList

175. pico cell

176. PICT (PICTure)

177. PID (Process IDentifier)

178. piecewise hashing

179. pilot

180. PIM (Personal Information Manager)

181. PIMA (Photographic Imaging Manufacturers Association)

182. pin (1)

183. pin (2)

184. pin (3)

185. pin (4)

186. PIN (Personal Identification Number)

187. ping

188. PING (Packet InterNet Groper)

189. PIO (Programmed Input/Output)

190. pipe (1)

191. pipe (2)

192. pipeline (1)

193. pipeline (2)

194. PITA (Pain in the ass)

195. pitch

196. pixel

197. pixelization (1)

198. pixelization (2)

199. PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

200. PKZIP

201. PL/I (Programming Language 1)

202. PL/SQL (Procedural Language/SQL)

203. placeholder

204. plain text, plaintext (1)

205. plain text, plaintext (2)

206. plan file

207. plasma display

208. platform

209. platform dependent

210. platform independent

211. platter

212. play (1)

213. play (2)

214. playlist

215. PLC (Power Line Communications)

216. PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

217. PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier)

218. PLCP (Physical Layer Convergence Protocol)

219. PLD (Programmable Logic Device)

220. PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network)

221. plotter

222. PLS (Please)

223. PLT (PLoT file)

224. plug

225. plug-in board

226. plug-in card

227. plug-in, plugin

228. PM (Phase Modulation)

229. PMFJI (Pardon Me For Jumping In)

230. PMFJIB (Pardon me for jumping in but...)

231. PMJI (Pardon Me for Jumping In)


233. PMR (Private Mobile Radio)

234. PMS (Package Management System)

235. PN sequence (Pseudo-random Noise sequence)

236. PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

237. PnP (Plug - and - Play)

238. pocket computer

239. Pocket Excel

240. Pocket Internet Explorer

241. Pocket PC

242. Pocket Word

243. PocketZip disk

244. podcasting

245. point (1)

246. point (2)

247. point (3)

248. point (4)

249. point sampling

250. PointCast

251. pointer (1)

252. pointer (2)

253. pointer (3)

254. pointer (4)

255. pointing device

256. pointing stick

257. polling

258. polyline

259. polymorphism

260. PON (Passive Optical Network)

261. pop

262. POP (Point of Purchase)

263. POP (Point-Of-Presence)

264. POP (Post Office Protocol)

265. POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)

266. POP3 account

267. pop-up menu

268. pop-up window

269. port (1)

270. port (2)

271. port (3)

272. port (4)

273. port address

274. port card

275. port forwarding

276. port number

277. portability

278. portable (1)

279. portable (2)

280. portable computer

281. portal (1)

282. portal (2)

283. portmapper

284. POS (1) (Point of Sale)

285. POS (2) (Piece of s**t)

286. POS terminal (Point Of Sale terminal)

287. POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX)

288. POST (Power-On Self-Test)

289. Postfix


291. PostgreSQL

292. postprocessor

293. PostScript

294. PostScript fonts

295. PostScript printer

296. POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service)

297. power density from E-field

298. power virus

299. PowerBuilder

300. PowerMac (Power Macintosh)

301. PowerPC

302. PPC

303. ppi (pixels per inch)

304. PPP (Point- to- Point Protocol)

305. PPPoA (PPP over ATM)

306. PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet)

307. PPS (Packets Per Second)

308. PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)

309. PpV (Pay per View)

310. prank macro

311. preamble

312. pre-emptive multitasking

313. preprocessor

314. Prescott

315. presence

316. presentation graphics

317. presentation layer

318. presentation logic

319. presentation services protocol

320. PRI (Primary Rate Interface)

321. primitive

322. primitive type

323. print

324. print engine

325. print formatter

326. print preview

327. print server

328. print spooler

329. print spooling

330. printer

331. printer driver

332. printer engine

333. printer protocol

334. privacy

335. privacy policy

336. privacy statement

337. privacy-by-design

338. private IP address

339. private key

340. private line

341. privilege

342. PRML (Partial Response Maximum Likelihood)

343. PRN (PRiNt file)

344. procedural language

345. procedural texture

346. procedure (1)

347. procedure (2)

348. procedure call

349. procedure-oriented language

350. process (1)

351. process (2)

352. process management

353. processing

354. processing cycle

355. processor

356. processor core

357. processor time

358. procmail

359. procurement

360. Prodigy

361. production transaction set

362. PROFS (PRofessional OFfice System)

363. program

364. program code

365. programmer

366. programming

367. programming interface

368. programming language

369. programming system

370. programming tools

371. programming utility

372. progress indicator

373. progressive scanning

374. projection panel

375. Prolog (PROgramming LOGic)

376. PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory)

377. PROM programmer

378. property

379. proportional font

380. proprietary

381. protected mode

382. protected variable

383. protocol

384. protocol analyzer

385. protocol stack

386. protocol suite

387. proximity card

388. proxy server

389. PS (Parametric Stereo)

390. PS (Program Stream)

391. PS/2

392. PS/2 port

393. PSDN (Packet Switched Data Network)

394. Psion

395. PSK (Phase Shift Keying)

396. PSK (PreShared Keys)

397. psophometer

398. PSPDN (Packet Switched Public Data Network)

399. PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network)

400. PSW (Program Status Word)

401. PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol)

402. PTR record (Pointer Record)

403. PTT (Postal, Telegraph & Telephone)

404. PTT (Push-To-Talk)

405. PTV (Personal Television)

406. PU (That stinks!)

407. public domain software

408. public exchange

409. public key

410. public root key

411. PUK (Personal Unblocking Key)

412. pull

413. pull-down menu

414. pulse modulation (1)

415. pulse modulation (2)

416. pulse modulation (3)

417. punch card

418. purchasing history

419. push (1)

420. push (2)

421. push client

422. push media

423. push technology

424. PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit)

425. PVR (Personal Video Recorder)

426. PVST (Per-VLAN Spanning Tree)

427. PWB (Printed Wiring Board)

428. PXE (Preboot eXecution Environment)

429. Python