1. T (time)

2. T.120

3. T.share

4. T1-carrier, T-1

5. T2-carrier, T-2

6. T3-carrier, T-3

7. T4-carrier, T-4

8. TA (Terminal Adapter)

9. tab (1)

10. tab (2)

11. tab character

12. tab chart

13. tab stop

14. table

15. table locking

16. tablet

17. tablet computer

18. Tablet PC

19. TACACS (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System)

20. TACS (Total Access Communications System)

21. TAFN (That’s all for now)

22. tag (1)

23. tag (2)

24. tag (3)

25. tag (4)

26. tag (5)

27. tag (6)

28. tag line

29. tag switching

30. Talk City

31. tank circuit

32. TANSTAAFL (There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch)

33. tape drive

34. TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface)

35. tar (Tape ARchive)

36. TARFU (Things Are Really Fucked Up)

37. target

38. task

39. task bar

40. task manager

41. task switching

42. TB (terabyte)

43. TCA (Target Channel Adapter)

44. T-carrier

45. TCF (Technical Control Facility)

46. Tcl (Tool command language)

47. TCL/TK (Tool Command Language/ToolKit)

48. TCM (Trellis Coded Modulation)

49. TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)

50. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

51. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

52. TCP/IP port

53. TCP/IP roundtrip time

54. TCPA (Trusted Computer Platform Alliance)

55. TD-CDMA (Time Division - Code Division Multiple Access)

56. TDD (Time Division Duplexing)

57. TDM (Time Division Multiplexing)

58. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)

59. TDP (Thermal Design Power)

60. tear-off menu

61. TECO (Text Editor and COrrector)

62. telco (telephone company)

63. telecommunication

64. telecommuting

65. teleconference

66. telephone network

67. telephony

68. Telephony API

69. tele-presence system

70. teleprinter

71. teletype

72. Telnet (1)

73. Telnet (2)

74. Telnet server

75. template

76. temporal key

77. tender

78. term

79. TERM

80. terminal (1)

81. terminal (2)

82. terminal (3)

83. terminal (4)

84. terminal access controller

85. terminal emulation

86. terminal emulator

87. terminal server

88. terminate

89. terminator (1)

90. terminator (2)

91. ternary operator

92. terrestrial link

93. test-and-set

94. TETRA (TErrestrial Trunked RAdio; Trans-European Trunked Radio)

95. texel

96. texel (TEXture ELement)

97. text

98. text based

99. text document

100. text editor

101. text file

102. text message

103. text string

104. texture

105. texture map

106. texture mapping

107. TFH (Thread From Hell)

108. TFT (Thin-Film Transistor) LCD

109. TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)

110. TGIF (Thank God it’s Friday)

111. The Open Group

112. THEOS

113. thick client

114. Thick Ethernet

115. thin client

116. third party cookie

117. Thoroughbread (T-Bread, Tbread)

118. thread (1)

119. thread (2)

120. threaded discussion

121. threaded newsreader

122. threat

123. three-tier application

124. throughput

125. thumb (1)

126. Thumb (2)

127. thumbnail

128. Thunderbird

129. thunk (1)

130. THX

131. THX (Thanks)

132. TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)

133. TIA (Thanks in advance (used if you post a question and are expecting a helpful reply))

134. TiB (tebibyte)

135. ticker (1)

136. ticker (2)

137. ticker (3)

138. ticket

139. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

140. tight loop

141. tiled windows

142. time bomb

143. time delay loop

144. time out

145. time record

146. time sample

147. time slot

148. time stamp

149. timeout

150. timer

151. time-sharing

152. timestamp

153. TIN (Threaded Internet Newsreader)

154. TI-RPC (Transport-Independent - Remote Procedure Call)

155. title bar

156. TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)

157. TLD (Top Level Domains)

158. TLK2UL8R (Talk to you later)

159. TLR (Twin-Lens Reflex)

160. TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol

161. TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signalling)

162. TMI (Too much information)

163. TN (Twisted Nematic)

164. TNC (Terminal Node Controller)

165. TNX (Thanks)

166. toaster

167. toeprint

168. toggle

169. token (1)

170. token (2)

171. token (3)

172. token (4)

173. token (5)

174. token card

175. token passing

176. token ring network (1)

177. Token Ring network (2)

178. toll quality

179. Tomcat

180. tone

181. tone probe

182. toner

183. tool (1)

184. tool (2)

185. tool (3)

186. tool palette

187. toolbar

188. toolbox

189. toolkit

190. TOPCA (Til our paths cross again (early Celtic chat term))

191. ToS (Terms of Service)

192. TOS (Type Of Service)

193. TOS field


195. touch pad

196. touch screen

197. touch tablet

198. tower computer

199. TP (Transaction Processing)

200. TP monitor (Transaction Processing monitor)

201. TPC (Transmit power control)

202. traceroute

203. tracert

204. track

205. trackball

206. tracking ball

207. tracking cookie

208. traffic

209. traffic analysis

210. traffic analyzer

211. traffic flow confidentiality

212. traffic padding

213. trailer

214. transaction

215. transaction fee

216. transceiver ( transmitter-receiver)

217. transfer (1)

218. transfer (2)

219. transfer agent

220. transfer rate

221. transitive trust

222. translate (1)

223. translate (2)

224. translate (3)

225. translator

226. translucency

227. Transmeta Crusoe

228. Transmeta Efficeon

229. transmission (1)

230. transmission (2)

231. transmission (3)

232. transmission (4)

233. transmission plant

234. transmitter

235. transparent bridging

236. transponder (1)

237. transponder (2)

238. transponder (3)

239. transport format

240. transport layer

241. transport protocol

242. transport services

243. transputer

244. trap

245. trap door

246. trapping

247. trash can

248. tree (1)

249. tree (2)

250. trial

251. tri-band

252. Trident

253. trigger

254. trilinear filtering

255. trilinear interpolation

256. trilinear texture mapping

257. Triple DES

258. trn (Threaded ReadNews)

259. Trojan horse

260. True Color

261. TrueLife

262. TrueType

263. trunk

264. trunk cable

265. trunk coupling unit

266. trust (1)

267. trust (2)

268. trust (3)

269. trust relationship

270. trusted computer system

271. TS (Transport Stream)

272. TSAPI (Telephony Services API)

273. TSOP (Thin Small Outline Package)

274. TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program

275. TSS (Time-Sharing System)

276. TTFN (Ta-Ta for now)

277. TTL (Through The Lens)

278. TTL (Time To Live)

279. TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic)

280. TTS (Text-To-Speech)

281. TTT (Thought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type))

282. TTY (TeleTYpewriter)

283. TTYL (Talk to you later)

284. TU (Thank you)

285. TUBA (TCP and UDP with Bigger Addresses)

286. tunneling

287. tunneling protocol

288. tuple

289. turbo code

290. Turing test

291. Turion

292. turnkey application

293. turnkey solution

294. Tux

295. TVoD (True Video on Demand)

296. TWAIN

297. tweet

298. tweeter

299. twisted pair

300. Twitter

301. two-line phone

302. TX (Thanks)

303. type (1)

304. type (2)

305. Type 1 IBM connector

306. type library

307. Type N connector

308. typeface

309. typing (1)

310. typing (2)

311. TYVM (Thank You Very Much)