1. W3C XML Schema

2. W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

3. WABI (Windows Application Binary Interface)

4. WAIS (Wide Area Information Server)

5. walkie-talkie

6. walled garden

7. Walsh code

8. WAN (Wide Area Network)

9. WAN port

10. wander

11. WAP (Wireless Access Point)

12. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

13. W-APN (Wireless APN)

14. war-dialing

15. wardriving

16. warm boot

17. warm swapping

18. Watcom C/C++

19. WAV (waveform)

20. wave audio

21. wave impedance

22. wavetable

23. wavetable synthesis

24. wavetable synthesizer

25. WB (Welcome Back)

26. WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management)

27. WBMP (Wireless BitMap)

28. WCA (Who Cares Anyway)

29. W-CDMA (Wideband - Code-Division Multiple Access)

30. WDALYIC (Who died and left you in charge?)

31. WDD (Windows Distributed Desktop)

32. WDDM (Windows Display Driver Model)

33. WDDX (Web Distributed Data Exchange)

34. WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing)

35. WDM (Win32 Driver Model)

36. WDS (Wireless Distribution system)

37. WDT (WatchDog Timer )

38. WDYS (What Did You Say)

39. WE

40. WE (What Ever)

41. wearable computer

42. Web

43. web

44. Web 2.0

45. web account

46. web address

47. web application

48. web application server

49. web beacon

50. web browser

51. Web bug

52. web client

53. web directory

54. web filter

55. web form

56. web host

57. web hosting

58. web log

59. web page

60. web phone

61. web portal

62. web publishing

63. web radio

64. Web Request Broker

65. web search engine

66. web server

67. web services

68. web site, website

69. Web TV

70. web white pages

71. web year

72. web yellow pages

73. web-based

74. web-based application

75. web-based e-mail

76. web-based training

77. webcam (World Wide Web camera)

78. webcast

79. webcasting

80. webertising

81. webinar (WEB-based semINAR)

82. weblet

83. WebLogic

84. webmaster


86. web-safe palette

87. WebSpace

88. WebTV

89. WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Association)

90. WEG (Wicked Evil Grin)

91. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)

92. WFM (Works for me)

93. Whirlwind

94. white balance

95. white box

96. white noise

97. whiteboard

98. Whois

99. WIA (Windows Image Acquisition)

100. WIBNI (Wouldn’t it be nice if...)

101. wideband

102. widget

103. WiDi (Intel Wireless Display)

104. Wi-Fi, WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)

105. wiki

106. wildcard

107. Willamette

108. WiMAX (World Interoperability for Microwave Access)

109. Win16

110. Win32

111. Winchester disk

112. Wincode

113. Wind/U

114. window (1)

115. window (2)

116. window (3)

117. window (4)

118. windowing

119. windowing engine

120. windowing system

121. Windows 1

122. Windows 2

123. Windows 2000 (W2K)

124. Windows 3.0

125. Windows 3.1

126. Windows 3.11

127. Windows 3.x

128. Windows 7

129. Windows 8

130. Windows 95 (Win95)

131. Windows 98

132. Windows CE

133. Windows DNA (Distributed InterNet Architecture)

134. windows manager

135. Windows Me (Millenium Edition)

136. Windows NT

137. Windows NT 3.1

138. Windows NT 4.0

139. Windows Script Host

140. Windows Server 2003

141. Windows Sockets (Winsock)

142. Windows terminal

143. Windows Terminal Server

144. Windows Vista

145. Windows XP

146. Windows XP Professional x64 Edition

147. Windows/386

148. Wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator)

149. WinFrame

150. WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service)

151. Wintel

152. WinZip

153. WIP (Work In Progress)

154. wire gauge

155. wired network

156. wireframe model

157. wireless (communications)

158. wireless access network

159. wireless data

160. wireless generations

161. wireless Internet

162. wireless network

163. wireless router

164. wireless terminal

165. WirelessHD

166. wiretapping

167. wiring rack

168. WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider)

169. WISPr (Wireless Internet Service Project roaming)

170. wizard

171. WLAN (Wireless LAN)

172. WLAN adapter (Wireless Local Area Network adapter)

173. WLL (Wireless Local Loop)

174. wLLS (Wireless Link Layer Security)

175. WLNP (Wireless Local Number Portability)

176. WMA (Windows Media Audio)

177. WMAN (Wireless Metropolitan Access Network)

178. WMF (Windows MetaFile)

179. WMF (Wireless Multicast Forwarding)

180. WML (Wireless Markup Language)

181. WMLS (WMLScript)

182. WMM (Wi-Fi MultiMedia)

183. WMV (Windows Media Video)

184. Woodcrest

185. woofer

186. word (1)

187. word (2)

188. word processing

189. word processor

190. word wrap

191. work factor

192. workflow (1)

193. workflow (2)

194. workflow (3)

195. workgroup

196. working directory

197. workstation

198. worm

199. WORM (Write Once, Read Many)

200. Worm.ExploreZip

201. wormhole

202. WOW64 (Windows-on-Windows 64-bit)

203. WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)

204. WPA2 (Wireless Protected Access 2)

205. WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network)

206. WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)

207. wrapper

208. write

209. write access

210. write combining

211. write protect

212. WSDL (Web Services Description Language )

213. WSP (Wireless Service Provider)

214. WT? (What/who the ?)

215. WTF (What The F***?)

216. WTFO (What the F***! Over!)

217. WTGP? (Want to go private?)

218. WTH (What The Hell)

219. WU? (What’s up?)

220. WUF? (Where are you from?)

221. WWAN (Wireless Wide Area Network)

222. WWW (World Wide Web)

223. WWW document

224. WXGA (Wide XGA)

225. WYRN (What’s Your Real Name?)

226. WYS (Whatever Your Say)

227. WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)

228. WYT (Whatever You Think)